Important notes about this course

  • IMPORTANT! If I mention my other courses throughout this course, it is because many people taking this course have taken the other ones and it helps them to piece things together. Please do not be put off; if you simply want guidance about how animal communication can help locate a lost animal this course is for you. However, you do need to already be aware of how to communicate with animals if you hope to use the information here to communicate with lost animals. 

Each lesson comes with a pdf transcript of everything I say during that lesson for easy reading and for you to download so you can access it offline.

Rather than using the word pet, I will be using animal instead and that is because these techniques here work with any animal species and are not limited only to those who live with us as “pets”. Lastly, rather than refer to an animal as he/she I will be using “she” or “her” but be assured that I am referring to both male and female animals.

I understand that some people are taking this course to use with their own animals while others are taking it in hopes of either becoming an animal communicator or to practice with other people’s animals. For this reason, I have tried to cover both aspects throughout the course. If you don’t ever plan to use these skills to help others that is perfectly fine, just be aware that I refer to working with other peoples animals that might not apply to you, but if you plan to practice with other’s animals they are things you will need to take into account.

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